Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome Baby Sadie!

Sadie Ryan Miller was born August 19, 2008, at 12:16 p.m.  She weighed 6 pounds and was 18.75 inches long.  We were a little shocked to see her so soon because she wasn't due to arrive until September 3rd.  Mommy didn't complain!

Sadie and Daddy were best buds the moment they met. I was very grateful for Ryan throughout the labor and delivery process because he gave me an epidural that worked great!!!

After they cleaned her up a bit I got to hold her again.  She was so content and looked very calm; especially considering what the two of us had just been through!  She looked a lot better than me to say the least...
She didn't sleep very much the first night...and neither did we.  The nurses offered to take her to the nursery, but I didn't want her to leave.  By 5:00 a.m. both Ryan and I were ready for her to go to the nursery for a little while so we could get some sleep.   


Shana Dee said...

Hi, I love the bedding. It is very cute! I just watched Mad Money and it's a funny movie. Tell your sis thanks for the recommendation.

Glen said...

I think it will look fantastic. Certainly, not as good as you look but still fantastic. Dad

Glen said...

I think it will look fantastic. Certainly, not as good as you look but still fantastic. Dad

Camille and Paul said...

You are so close to your due date! It really will be here before you know it.

Courtnie said...

Very cute Lynds! I need to send you a link to our blog again!

Colby and Steph Stringham said...

yay! WELCOME to the blog world! i can't wait for you to have a little smalls runnin around! haha

Cameron and Rachel Bott said...

Oh Lynds. I am so excited for you. I had no idea you even had her. Lucky you delivering early. When I had Mabel early Sarah said she must not have known first babies are supposed to be late. Well Sadie, must not have known either. She is gorgeous. As she should be though, look at her parents. There is an inexplainable feeling to becoming a parent and you can't understand it till you are there. I am just so happy for you. Let me know your address, because I still have your present from the shower, sorry again I couldn't make it.

Lynds, I love her already. She is a doll Congrats to you both.

Candy said...

I got your blog from a link on Erin and Fred's blog. Sadie is so gorgeous! How can a brand new baby so utterly beautiful? But she is. Congratulations from the Brands. We send our love and hope for a few hours of sleep at night!!!